PHP Keywords: function and final

16 February 2019 - 11:38pm

Welcome to my series on every PHP keyword and its usage. Today's items: function and final.

In PHP, the function keyword is used to define a new closure (anonymous function), function or method, depending on where they're used.


A function is a block of code that can be called multiple times from different areas of your code base. A function is globally accessible, though it may require a namespace.

Functions have a name, a list of parameters and an optional return type. Parameters must have a name, and can have an optional type hint and default value.

Return types and parameter types can be prefixed with a ? to indicate that they may accept/return null as a value. Parameters that have null as the default value will also accept null being passed in.


function add(float $first, float $second): float
    return $first + $second;

echo add(2, 3);


Closures work the same way as functions, except they're assigned to a variable, and are not globally accessible.


$add = function(float $first, float $second): float
    return $first + $second;

echo $add(2, 3);


Methods are functions that are attached to either a class or an instance of a class, depending on if it the static keyword is used or not.

A static method can be called on a class or instance of that class with the :: operator. An instance method can be called on an instance with the -> operator.


class Math
    // This can be called on the class
    static function add(float $first, float $second): float
        return $first + $second;

    // This can be called on an instance of that class
    function multiply(float $first, float $second): float
        return $first * $second;

echo Math::add(2, 3);

$math = new Math();
echo $math->multiply(2, 3);


The final keyword prevents any class that extends your class from overriding a particular method. This way you can allow others to access the method, without allowing them to change how your class or object behaves if it uses this method internally.


class Math
    final static function add(float $first, float $second): float
        return $first + $second;

    final function multiply(float $first, float $second): float
        return $first * $second;

// This will fail, because add and multiply may not be overridden
class MoreMath
    static function add(float $first, float $second): float
        return $first - $second;

    function multiply(float $first, float $second): float
        return $first / $second;